Tension & Stress Relief

Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil


This Tension & Stress Relief oil just has very desirable effects. My wife has used oil  for a week and has experienced excellent results. The pain in her hands, caused by arthritis discomfort, practically disappeared after the first use. Almost “too good to be true”.

Ron Bramley

My husband became interested in trying do something for some orthopedic injuries he has sustained in the military. He has shoulder impingement syndrome which has decreased his activity and mobility in his dominant arm. He had seen numerous orthopedic specialists and started physical therapy and NSAIDs. He also has discomfort in his knee which impairs his ability to workout. Since starting using Tuuwa Tension & Stress Relief oil his tension is significantly improved. He has even been able to go to the gym 3-5 days a week!  Now he does not take any NSAIDs either.

Kristina Hintzsche

I have had a condition called for Vulvar vestibulitis for about 4 years. I have tried countless options to make it feel better and nothing has worked. I have used this oil and has been proved to be the only solution to my problem and I am so thankful for this option and I would absolutely recommend! 10/10!

Kat G.