Reviews from Tuuwa Users

Reviews from Tuuwa Tension/Stress Relief Essential Oil users! Find out how much they liked the products,

and how the products brought back freedom to their lives.

Reviews from the hearts of Tuuwa users are the statements of the trust and support from the relieved lives. Results tell the stories. Take a look at what the Tuuwa users would like to share.

1. Debbie N
I am 71 and found out a few years ago that I have Severe Spinal Stenosis (narrowing of spinal and nerve root canals), bulging discs at L1 through L5/S1 and spondylosis (degeneration of spinal column) after an MRI. Both knees are total replacements from 15 years ago. Although my knees are in technically perfect condition, I experience a lot of difficulties originating from my knees. Standing causes the most problem. My tension goes from my low back through my knees to my shins. I must use a walker or keep a cart in front of me for support if I run errands. I would describe the lower back and leg/knee discomfort as intense burning when I’m standing. I have only ever taken Excedrin for relief. Ibuprofen tears up my stomach. I use a heating pad often. I do not go to the doctor as often as I should. When I was first given the Tension Oil to try, I used it morning and night. I tried to remember to use it every time I hurt. Eventually, I started putting it on my back, hips and knees after I had done too much at other times of the day and needed relief. I noticed it helped significantly. I now try to remember to put the oil on PRIOR to going to run errands do a lot around the house and I noticed it really helps when I use it before and after. I am thankful for the relief I get and now do not have to suffer like I used to.

2. Judi Potter
A few weeks ago I was experiencing extreme discomfort and swelling in my left knee due to arthritis. I could barely step down with my left leg it was so discomfort with constant aching. My health coach recommended I try acupuncture with Dr. Mark Xu... so I did. I am so thankful for the difference the essential oil together with the acupuncture made the swelling gone down in 3 weeks, the discomfort has subsided and I am walking normally once again. Now I have hope of a healthier future without steroids or surgery. I highly recommend the Tuuwa products..

3. Sylvia Gibson
The herbal oil worked miracles for me. The Tuuwa essential oil relieved my back, hip, and knee discomfort. The daily discomfort in my bone on bone knees for eight years is gone! My feet and legs stayed swollen but are now 95% better. A lot was relieved the use of oil and the improvements continue even after several weeks.

4. Kelley Gresham
My sister (52) has been suffering with nerve damage in her low back and down both legs since 2005. I live out of state and came to visit last weekend. I was not expecting to see the real improvements she has experienced - physically was the most dramatic. Her range of motion and abilities are almost back to "normal". She had told us about she has been religiously applying the oil. The Tension Relief Oil are the products that produced incredible results. She used the oil on us during the visit if we had any tension or stress. I purchased some to take home for myself and my husband, hoping he would try them. My husband is a contractor and has various body discomfort from his job. He had a tight knuckle on his right hand and had INSTANT relief after putting the oil.

5. Missy Harris
I slipped & fell recently in my kitchen which hurt my back & also caused extreme nerve tension down my leg I had been to a chiropractor with little relief. After I started to apply the Tuuwa Stress Relief Essential Oil, my nerve discomfort has all but went away. It does not have a strong odor which I was worried about so you won’t smell like perfume or seaweed! You can take the herbal oil to your massage therapist and have them use it during your massage!! It’s Wonderful!! It helps relieve your tension to go along with your other treatments.

6. Linda Saltwell
After having discomfort in my left arm for over a year I started to use the Tuuwa Tension relief oil and couldn't believe how quickly I felt relief from my arm tension. It is realy amazing after having discomfort in my arm for a year. I highly recommend to anyone who has chronic stress and is desperate for relief.

7. Cheri Williams
I’ve endured 13 years of nerve damage down both hips/legs (S1 nerves) and 24/7 discomfort, to the point of an implanted intrathecal pain pump, many surgeries (3 L5 back surgeries with a 360 fusion with cages, etc, gall bladder removed, appendix removed, 3 miscarriages, infertile by age 26, acute pancreatitis) name it....just poor health in general despite what I outwardly looked like at just now 52. The “fire” shooting down my legs and out my feet would put me in a spiral of discomfort and desperation........the burden on my family was huge. I have worn “safe” footwear and have to be so super careful due to the numbness down legs and feet. I was reclined 20 hours a day for 6 years....this horrible journey has been such a struggle. I truly wondered how many more days I could live like this. Chronic problem is a silent struggle, I had never felt more hopeless. On a dark discomfort day, I started to try the Tuuwa Stress Relief Oil as well as the acupuncture treatment, I started to feel like a new person. I am becoming balanced and I haven’t felt this good in 20 years. My husband is the most surprised at my improvement and decreased discomfort. I know this Tuuwa special oil is contributing to my overall relief of my body problems. The numbness and muscle weakness I’ve had is also improving!!! I am now weaning off my oral discomfort meds- down to one pill every other day from 3 pills a day (plus pain pump) and will be off all oral meds in a week. I feel great. Shocked really! My tension level was a 10 before, now is a 3-4 in such a short time. Invest in your natural ability to heal, make the first step to claiming your health by starting to use Tuuwa Tension relief oil.

8. Izzy and Nate Lomax
The Tuuwa Stress Relief oil helped me with the many illnesses I suffer from like IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia just to name a few. The essential oil works like a topical ointment but also leave your skin so smooth.

9. Cheri Howard Grainger
Have been plagued with chronic back tension for all of my adult life. After many modern medicine fails, physical therapy and chiropractic visits, my condition seems to be deteriorating at an alarming rate! I had been basically bed ridden for 2 weeks with acute back and hip tension. My tress level was a 10 on a scale of 1-10. After first use of the oil, the problem was greatly reduced! Only two days later I was able to drive myself with a stress scale of 2!!! I have truly rested for two nights now waking with minimal to no discomfort!!! I have found my Saving Grace!!!

10. Lita Mize Morris Giambelluca
I could barely walk first. I have degenerated disc, scoliosis, sciatica and digestive problems. Along with herbal tension relief oils and acupuncture, I feel like a new person. I walk with a smile on my face and I haven’t smiled in years. I have tried a brace for my back tension and decompression spending over $8,000 and I regret that I didn’t try the Tuuwa Stress Relief Essential Oil first.

11. Issac D. Coleman
I absolutely love the Tuuwa Herbal Oil and Lotion as it does wonders for my skin, discomfort, and overall health by activating my body's self-healing mechanisms!

12. Addie Shinault
Now I relieved ALL of my body discomfort without DRUGS. I feel better than I have felt in 4 years. What a relief. The Tuuwa essential oil really helped restore my body back to healthy living.

Where did the above reviews come from?

Please refer to the original resources for the complete review comments from actual Tuuwa products users.

1. Google reviews from previous Tuuwa users

2. Yelp reviews from previous Tuuwa users

3. Facebook reviews from previous Tuuwa users

The above Tension Relief Oil related review sections were selected from the above original links.


The Tuuwa Stress Relief oil helped me with the many discomforts I suffer from like IBS, GERD, and fibromyalgia just to name a few. The essential oil works like a topical ointment but also leave your skin so smooth.

Izzy and Nate Lomax